“The test result was like a wake up call to what I should actually be doing with my life.”
– Mark B.
It costs absolutely nothing to take the Sheridan-Metageno Personality Test (SMPT).
There are no financial strings attached to receiving your FULL true Self profile after you’ve completed the test.
From this profile, you will be able to answer the big question we ask ourselves: “Who am I?”
We believe everyone should be entitled to this powerful knowledge, privately, unconditionally, and without money being a factor.
After seeing your true Self profile, if you’d like to make a donation or buy anything from the gift shop, that’s entirely up to you and helps fund our ongoing mission to help every human being find their true Self, for inner peace and life-purpose, simply by them taking the SMPT.
The SMPT is a serious, certified, and accredited personality test based on award-winning research that’s designed to be the ultimate answer to the ultimate question.
It’s not a party game or quiz, so it deserves your dedicated attention for a quiet five minutes.
The test consists of simple, fun, and soul-searching questions, and you just answer with “true” or “false” or a multiple choice of answers.
Once you begin the test, you’ll be invited to watch a sixty-second briefing video to assist.
Thanks to the SMPT being built with the assistance of artificial intelligence, the test is unique, though, in that the more honest you’re being with yourself, the shorter the length of the test!
Rest assured, the only personal information the SMPT needs from you is your assigned sex at birth (male/female).
We invite you to provide additional information (gender, age group, etc.) purely to help our ongoing research, but that’s entirely up to you if you want to provide it or not, as you’ll see on the very first questions when you begin the test.
Your results are secure and can only be accessed by you, after you take the test.
You can take the test on someone else’s behalf, but if you want an accurate result we suggest it’s only for someone you’ve known very well for several years (parents, children, partners, etc.). Ideally, they should take the test themselves.
If you’ve tried other personality tests and came away not sure you’d found yourself, there’s a reason for that…
Because, as the New York Times wrote, personality tests are “notoriously inaccurate.”
And that’s because every other personality test operates with a muddy cocktail of both your nature and nurture…
Basically TWO people are taking the test!
But only one of them is real: your nature.
The SMPT overcomes this by focusing on and bringing out your true nature, not your nurture, which is, by definition, your true self.
And there are no vague percentage scales used (a little bit of this, a little bit of that etc.), the result is conclusive and definitive IF your answers are truthful.
Plus, every other serious personality test was created decades ago and they haven’t been questioned since…
And those outdated tests were mostly designed for corporations who want to harness your power for themselves or compromise your gifts and fit you into their box.
The SMPT is all about you, not “them.”
It’s time for something new, something for OUR time, something for YOU, and something conclusive that uses the ultimate personal truth itself as the proof.
There is only one truth about who you are, it’s just a question of using the most accurate method to discover it…
The SMPT IS that method, your guide map to life’s great adventure.
Take the test and find your Self.
Frequently asked questions